#16 - Heavy Metal
This mural was painted over in February 2018
Location: 2001 S. Laredo at Brazos
Date: September 2000 Dimensions: 105’ x 16’ Lead artists: Adrian Fernandez (design) and Alex Fernandez (painting) Mural crew: Students from Alamo Achievement Center High School – Prince Beard, Leo Tijerina, Louis Tijerina, Wolfee, Carlos Fernandez, Jonathan Lopez, Chris Covarrubias, Jesse Villegas, Jesus Castaneda, EJ Ramos, Sara Gonzales, Marcus Carty, Kathleen Pastrano; Community Artists – Carolina Flores, Joe Villareal, Alex Rubio, Stephen Lopez, Christina Houle, Esteban Arredondo. |
The mural is titled “Heavy Metal” because three of the artists were part of the same heavy metal band. The mural was blessed by the Azteca Danzantes and by Father Marty Elsner from Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, and Fernando Flores read original poetry at the dedication.
“The mural ‘Heavy Metal’ is a year-long collaboration between San Anto Cultural Arts and the Alamo Achievement Center High School (SAISD). The mural theme depicts the battle between good and evil forces in a medieval setting. In the middle of this confrontation is a river (Alazan creek) which represents the obstacles that residents of the neighborhood surrounding this mural (Alazan-Apache Housing Projects) have to overcome on a daily basis. A large crane, representing hope, is utilized to bring together the forces of good and evil. The mural design was created by Adrian Fernandez, an 11th grader at Alamo Achievement Center High School (SAISD).” |
Originally a meat packing facility, the building shared by Heavy Metal and The Good, Bad and Greedy was purchased by Surlean Food Co. in 2012. In February of 2018, both murals were painted over.